As we continue looking at incorporating similes, metaphors, and hyperboles in stories and persuasive speeches, let’s focus on the body paragraphs. Here you add more details as you explain your ...
Toulmin Model of Argumentation – Counterargument According to the Toulmin process, a powerful way to conclude our argument is by pre-empting and answering a potential counter-argument. This can be ...
What is the Toulmin Model? The challenge in many types of speech, particularly in original oratory, extemporaneous speaking or, of course debating, is to make a series of persuasive arguments on the ...
Toulmin Model – Qualifier OK, so you’ve built a strong argument following the Toulmin model. You start with a clear and robust claim, then follow that with some evidence or data that supports the ...
Toulmin Model of Argumentation: Warrant and Backing The third and fourth stages in Toulmin’s Model of Argumentation concern a warrant that links the evidence to the specific claim you want to make, ...
[The snow glows white on the mountain tonight. Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation. And it looks like I'm the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep ...
The Toulmin Argument: Using Data and Evidence In Toulmin’s Model, the use of data and evidence is absolutely critical in order to build credibility with the listener (or reader) and provide empirical ...
Making Clear Claims "I think Marvel is better than DC!" Well, you might agree with me on this, and you might not. But I’m sure many readers will ask, "What do you mean by better? Are you talking ...
Um, last week I spent like two weeks in the hospital because, of, uh, you know, a minor accident. So yeah, basically a simple tooth infection turned into, like, a major issue, affecting, like, uh, my ...
What to expect at a debate tournament? A question that students often ask when new to debating is, “what should I expect at a debate tournament?”. Like any other activity, debating can seem confusing ...