Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the transformative power of extracurricular activities in middle school and how they can unlock a student's full potential.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the advantages of remote learning and how it can positively impact students' education and future.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the top extracurricular activities that high school students can participate in to enhance their skills and improve their college applications.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the incredible benefits and impact of engaging in extracurricular activities.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the numerous benefits of volunteering and how it can positively impact your community.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Why do we use Assumptive Goal Setting? Goal-setting already seems to be complicated! With SMART goal-setting techniques and other ones out there, there is a lot to think about. In order to generate ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
"Be sincere. Be brief. Be seated." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt Although former U.S. President FDR made the above remark on the topic of general communication, his guidance rings especially true when ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Why do we use Backwards Planning and What are the Steps? Backwards planning is a useful tool for generating Action Plans to accomplish your goals. An Action Plan is essentially a comprehensive list ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
How do Presidents Manage the entire country? President Dwight D. Eisenhower had a unique method, now called the Eisenhower Matrix.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Every Leader gets into disagreements... In fact, it’s a pre-requisite for the job! Imagine if you never had any disagreements - that would mean that what you want to do is the same as what everyone ...