Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Explore the power of deductive reasoning in the realm of debate and how it can be a game-changer for debaters looking to strengthen their arguments and win competitions.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Uncover the secrets behind inductive reasoning and how it differs from deductive thinking.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover the advantages of remote learning and how it can positively impact students' education and future.
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
Discover effective study skills and techniques to help high school students excel academically.
Coach Andy
By Coach Andy
What are the Benefits of Debate? In the decade that LearningLeaders has been helping students to develop lifelong public speaking and communication skills, one of the most common questions we hear ...
Coach Andy
By Coach Andy
What are the Benefits of Debate? Critical Thinking Skills Critical thinking is an essential skill in today's world. It involves the ability to analyze information, questions, and problems in a ...
Coach Andy
By Coach Andy
What are the Benefits of Debate for Students? Global Experiences. Speech and debate offers many benefits - lifelong improvement in critical thinking ability, heightened academic performance, and key ...
Coach Andy
By Coach Andy
What are the Benefits of Debate for Academics?
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
It feels like you can’t go anywhere without hearing about ChatGPT these days. In the last week alone, I’ve had the topic brought up to me in an airplane, at a dinner party, and even by a server in a ...
Coach Mike
By Coach Mike
If you're a debater, no matter your experience level, you've probably heard of rebuttals. Although critical to a good debate, you may not know how the best rebuttals work or how to employ them on the ...