Introduction to Public Speaking and Debate (Part II)

Where Students Apply Public Speaking and Debate Skills
We hope you enjoyed Part I of this blog series! If you haven't got a chance to read it yet you can do so here:
Introduction to Public Speaking and Debate (Part I).
In this series of articles, you will be able to learn about:
- Steps on how to help students build a habit of practicing at home
- Topics that can help students practice
- How to understand and track a student's progression
Besides using debate and public speaking skills in competitions, students can apply those skills to their academic life and real-life situations.
Understanding Current Affairs
Without knowing the current affairs, people can be tagged as "ignorant" or can be created by others. Understanding current affairs allow us to make more rational decisions for ourselves and the people around us based on current events. Imagine a president who issued a policy that would harm the people. If no one cares about it, no one will protest about it, and everyone's rights will be violated.
Besides, jobs in banks, giant companies, or government test students' knowledge or even deep understanding of current affairs. For example, Bank PO/clerks, PSUs, SSCs, or entrance examinations like MBA.
Research & Citation Skills
When students are writing the thesis, they are required to quote previous works in order to increase credibility and to stand on the shoulders of giants. While comparing their theories to previous works, students emphasize what is new and the uniqueness of their own work. Or students may use ten days to reach a conclusion that is already a cliché.
A lot of school assignments require students to research online and generate reports. If students have data, past examples, they are more likely to be the top students and pace a smooth the way for college entrance.
Research skills are essential in workplaces. With research skills, an employer will be able to propose competitive products, lead business discussions, etc..
Analysis Skills
Analysis means to identify and solve complex problems. Analysis means students don't accept arguments or assumptions without question. On the contrary, students break down different parts and make independent evaluations.
Equipped with analysis skills, students will be able to analyze current affairs from both the short term and long term and make more rational democratic decisions. They will be able to find a solution to a tricky problem through analysis. For example, break down school assignments and find the most efficient way to do them.
Persuasion Skills (including argumentation & refutation)
We all have experienced confrontation. We all have come across disagreements. The best strategy is not to shout but to argue with clear logic, reasoning, evidence/examples, and impact.
Argumentations skills and refutation skills can boost one's persuasion and makes one more confident and comfortable expressing opinions.
Students who have stronger persuasion skills are more likely to have more polished personal statements to convince the college Admissions why they should be recruited, interview skills to answer why a school/company should hire them. They get more buy-ins if they run for the presidency or propose to have ramen for lunch and can more strategically and calmly be facing disagreements.
Descriptive Language & Figurative Language
Descriptive language and figurative language are big components of writing skills. In order to write well, students are required to polish their articles with the two techniques. Other than that, students can use these techniques in daily conversations to make the content more interesting or to gain empathy from others through vivid descriptions.
Verbal and Non-verbal Delivery Skills
While delivery skills help students to demonstrate confidence, practicing delivery skills can make students feel stronger and more confident. Understanding human interaction body languages allow people to better understand each other's feeling and potential decisions, adjust approaching strategies, and win more votes.
Whether in school or at home, whether with friends or with colleagues, teamwork enables us to communicate smoothly and effectively with others in order to produce the desirable results. With limited prep time in debate, students learn how to effectively communicate with others, which they can apply to group tasks or even daily communication.