Try LearningLeaders for 90 days. If you aren't completely satisfied, receive all of your money back. It's that simple. No small print.
90 days from the first live lesson.
Just send an email to We'll help you from there.
Even better, we offer a full Trial Course! Join us and if you aren't completely satisfied after 90 days, we will provide a 100% refund. We'll even cover any credit card/transfer fees.
Unfortunately not. We do need an initial payment to reserve a space in the course. Otherwise it's just not fair to other students who want to join but can't because that spot was filled. Thanks for understanding.
All new families qualify immediately. The one request we have is that you ensure your child attends every lesson and completes their lesson preparation. Otherwise, it's difficult for us to know if you're truly not satisfied or if there was never any commitment in the first place.
Yep! Join us for a full 90 days. If you're not satisfied, just let us know and we'll provide a full refund.
No catch. No small print.
Our Admissions Team will contact you within a day.
No credit card or payment details required.